VISIA’s computer technology helps us determine the most beneficial treatment for you.
It’s computer imaging enables our Specialists to evaluate the health and appearance of your skin based on six criteria that affect your complexion: wrinkles, spots, pores, evenness (skin tone colour variation), porphyrins (evidence of bacteria in your pores), and UV spots caused by overexposure to the sun.
This is offered by Nakedhealth free of charge when you book a one-hour skin treatment or as an annual review for regular clients. VISIA gives you the opportunity to detect and tackle some skin ageing symptoms before they become apparent.
The analysis will also help us determine the most appropriate skin care products to help treat any skin issues detected by the VISIA system.
How does VISIA help with your treatment choice?
After a thorough evaluation of your skin type and condition, one of our specialists will discuss treatment options and costs with you. Once you are comfortable with your choice of treatment you can book it in.
How long does a VISIA Skin analysis appointment take?
A VISIA complexion analysis is a confidential skin consultation which lasts around 30 minutes and involves a detailed examination of your skin concerns with one of our specialists.
Does VISIA help with my choice of skincare?
Yes, if you book a VISIA consultation before buying your skincare you will have an accurate idea of your requirements.